Meeting Minutes 17/10/2016
Adjust 16+ poster: Words like “shots” are not allowed. “Drinks” can be accepted. No graphic images either (ie. bottles) due to anti-alcohol campaign. Class rep meetings: 1st-3rd year & 4th-7th year: next Tuesday & Wednesday (25/26 Oct), 15 min break. Meetings will be separate for 1st-3rd and 4th-7th years. Posters needed. Other upcoming posters: & DJ. 16+ ticket sales started today. We sold tickets. Mamer sold . Start selling to other schools next week. Share...
Meeting Minutes 10/10/2016
CoSup Spread CoSup Awareness “Did you know CoSup can make a big difference?” CoSup hoodies- designer needed. Online BAC corrections this year..? Alumni Europae - Uniting students. Big organisation - camps, parties Pup Com hoodie! (We have to pay for it ourselves, not from bank account.) Conseil Administratif meeting School has plan in case of terrorist attack. Brexit question. (Varying answers from different sources.) Every British student should be allowed to finish BAC. English section...
Meeting Minutes 03/10/2016
16+ PARTY: Reminder: Pup Com members do not get free shots. Photographer: gets Parties for 4th&5th years? ? Do now! So people can in winter, when it’s actually cold. Make posters: Meeting with Administration on Friday (Michael & Leo are going) - ask about Brexit CoSup: 1st meeting this weekend. Questions/points to bring up?
Meeting Minutes 09/05/2016
Our final meeting, my final notes. Opinions about the year Max: Apart from that, good. Willem: was very happy with . Lucas: very emotional, he too is happy. Gabija: she had a lot of work redacted[/redacted], but is happy, too. Elisa: PC has achieved a lot compared to last year. Lucilla: Loved the PC, loved her Cosup, Gregori: Loved the party, nice leisure committee, Clément a nice president (bit of a dictator ????????????) other schools...
Meeting Minutes 11/04/2016
CoSup: Education support to be improved - good stuff. 9 year rule - still being discussed. Some schools have given gym advanced class - pas mal! 16+: People seem to be interested in another 16+, looks like May 4th. Clubs to be discussed, also, how is transport going to be coordinated? Party must be until 06:00am as spoken about. Luxfactor: We expect everyone from Pupcom to be present. Leonardo, Emily, Angela, Martin, Diego are judges....
Meeting Minutes 04/04/2016
16+: Not , but generally was fine. . Luxfactor: . Share the event! Not many . Invite people from outside school, too, please! Hoodies: While the designs have been chosen and some final changes are made, ordering will start very soon. Some would like , too. Thom, Elisa and Clément are responsible for this particular project so for details or questions ask them. Conseil d’Ed: Late slip proposition was rejected. Talking about drugs, getting serious...
Meeting Minutes 29/02/2016
APEEE: came to talk about the School Fete on June 11th. Pupils’ Committee asked to help spread the word and put forth ideas. How to attract more people? Tonight is hoodie logo competition deadline. ? Luxfactor Poster again this year. BAC COM wants to sell drinks. Vote next week.
Meeting Minutes 22/02/2016
PCTV: In future after school to avoid having to close the room. Five suggestions made for next episode, we should get started soon for another cracking video. 16+. Very successful. A little too crowded, music had , but there was some . A little . Thanks to for cleaning up after. Hoodies: One week until deadline. Marks has fixed the form on the site. Luxfactor: Josh will be hosting with Alessio, judges are TBD. Entire...
Meeting Minutes 15/02/2016
16+/Disco/Europarty: Ticket sales tomorrow (Europarty Wenesday). Paint choice (powder, non-powder) in the next few days. PCTV - If you haven’t already, please watch the first episode below. Points: Must ask about hearts Audio levels too low, especially in Vassilacou segment (will fix) will be cut In future, Josh, please move less and don’t have your phone out, it is very distracting. . Currently in limbo, discussions will be had. is against it, primarily because they...
Meeting Minutes 01/02/2016
Snapchat Pupcom pckirchberg editor note: since changed to pc-kirchberg, spread the word. 16+ Friday the ? Is this date confirmed with Leisure and ? Theme is Paint Party. Posters required. DJ - we want to . Disco 19th of February, 19:30 - 22:30 Mamer. Same ? Posters required. Special Conseil d’Ad Matters in this school were discussed with Elisa and Clément, only possible to be changed in brussels. Keep us updated please ☺ Europarty Be...