Meeting Minutes 08/01/2018

So Marks had an idea: to go around table and see what we each though the PC could do better:

  • We could have done more parties (but we have several planned)
  • But in general we’re quite doing well as a whole, better than last year

The school hoodies hopefully will be ordered today. We’ve decided to change provider to a cheaper option. However, there’ll probably be a huge delay on the pink because they have a lack of supply so those will take longer, but we’ll wait until we have them all before distributing them. The logos were also not HD. The prices went up a bit but it’s nothing we can’t handle.

We should assign tasks in leisure for each project, eg one person is in charge of the tournament, another of discos, ect.

Start thinking about if you want to be a judge/presenter in LuxFactor.

Euronight (we finally have an official name!):

  • We need to find a food stand (not a food truck)
  • We’ll have a customised photobooth
  • We’re looking for djs, they have to make us a sample so that we can see who’s good
  • It’ll be from 9pm to 3am
  • We’ll try to get the Red Cross to be there (I’ll send the info to Liza)
  • For the first few days we’ll sell tickets to the 7th years, then the other years will be able to buy them
  • We might have a (weak) welcome shot
  • wtf would be a good theme, we have to see what CoSup thinks

Santa Clausen 16+:

  • It was well organised, though some people said there were too many non-euroschool people
  • Some of the people helping left, which could be improved for the next party
  • We need to meet with Lux 2 for all the money stuff

We’re having a freebeer on the 16th of March.

Next Wednesday will be the last meeting before the pre-bacs, then we’ll have a meeting the week before the holidays.

We might have a class rep meeting the week before the holidays.