Meeting Minutes 05/02/2018

The PC is back to work!

We have Class Rep meetings at 11:10 on Thursday the 8th (1-3rd year) and Friday the 9th (4-7th year). I’ll email the class reps and the councillors. Topics to discuss include:

  • Everything that happened at the Conseil d’Education -Everything that happened at the Conseil d’Administration
  • Everything that happened at the Canteen Committee meeting
  • Everything that happened at the Library Committee meeting REDACTED



  • Madalena is going because none of the Conseil Representatives can
  • It shouldn’t close of the librarian is absent, there should be a replacement system (at least during exams)
  • We need a colour printer
  • If you have any other ideas, put them in the comments here.



Valentine’s Day disco:

  • It’s this Thursday (!) at Lux 2.
  • Decorations: Lux 2 has some decorations, we’re supposed to get balloons but they could be popped like they were at the Halloween disco.
  • We have to remind people that it’s on a Thursday when we sell the tickets.
  • Still go to your shift if it’s during a class rep meeting. REDACTED




Football tournament: We’ll get a date in REDACTED

On the REDACTED we have the REDACTED 16+.

For LuxFactor we need four judges and two presenters. We need to have a limit on the mean things the judges say, especially to the younger years.

Newspaper: We’re not having an advert this time, REDACTED

Next year we should encourage more people to run for the PC and have lots of bright posters, the more people that apply the better.

Our next meeting on Monday the 19th of February.