Meeting minutes 12/10/2020

Leisure committee suggested different ideas for events:

• S1-S3 football tournament (ticket 5€?)

• pijama day with other euroschools (date: 26/10/2020?)

• S6-S7 bonfire outside

• possibility of a minigolf event or a Halloween cake sale

• quiz night for 16+ (proposed date: 21/11/2020) (details like what the prize should be or the maximum number of people per team still need to be sorted)

• karaoke night (16+?)

• ice skating afternoon event for S4-S5

• ask questions/polls on instagram to see what the students of S4-S5 would prefer

Cosup presentation

Reminder that the pc photo will take place this thursday 15/10/2020 (bring costumes for funny photo!)