Meeting minutes 15/11/2021

Your VP took over this weeks meeting minutes :)


The final designs and colors for the hoodie, sweatshirt and tote bag were determined based on the voting results. Now we need to get the website functioning as soon as possible, sell the hoodies and let those printing machines do the work.

  • Hoodie: Minimalistic (Front) & Squid (Back)
  • Sweater: Minimalist (Front)
  • Tote bag: Mamer lookalike logo (position and size tbd)


We finalized the date 26th of November so we need to start preparing and since it’s a Covid check event things are easier.


We got a very quick recap from our CoSup reps Anil and Filippa. (Kudos to them for sitting in a 8+ hour meeting.)

  • We need to pay our new taxes for this meeting: 184.64 to be exact
  • All schools need to start recycling more
  • (idea from CoSup) -> A club fair in each school where the PC, CoSup and other clubs in the school such as chess club could present themselves , interact with the students, do fun activities and get people interested and involved in school life.
  • Euronight is confirmed to be in Luxembourg!!!
  • The new CoSup gaming has been launched
  • Talks about if Sports should/shouldn’t be counted on the BAC (currently is)
  • Geogebra is a bit funky, needs to be talked about
  • (as has been talked about for many years) Ethics/religion lessons
  • A homework policy to streamline how, when, what and where teachers give homework and make it less stressful and overwhelming for students

The 16+ Party

We hope to do it on the 17th of December but if that is not possible we might need to do it on the 7th of January. It has been hard to get in contact with clubs/bars and work with them.

S4/S5 Event

We really want to organize a nice evening for the “inbetweeners”. Might work with Mamer on something

Proposal: Extra IT Position

Having an extra IT person would help ease the workload of our current IT guy and would enable them to work on extrasuperfuncool projects on the side that could be very useful for students and they could help prepare certain documents and procedures that would have all future PC’s thanking us.

Writings on the Wall Project (WoW) - Climate Project

Things are going well, we have our winners working on improving the format of their designs and all we need now is to finalize the financial aspect of the project.

Extra Fun News: We will have our PC Lasergame on the 28th of November - Whoohooo!!!


This is your VP signing off, hope you enjoyed reading our minutes.

(You can also read the minutes of all the other years, they’re very interesting :)))