Meeting minutes 22/11/2021
- Disco on friday - possible cancellation or postponement
- Backup DJ
- Cleaning after disco - do it ourselves
- Purple day for international day for disabled people on 3rd of december
- 16+ party - big beer company? - 17th, 18th or 7th of january
- S4-S5 event - event possibly in school?
Class rep meeting on Wednesday
S1-S3 – period 2
- Promotion of disco and merch sales
- Vandalism
S4-S7 – period 3
- Promotion of merch sales
Merch sales
New sweatshirt model
- New colours need to be selected - khaki and serene
- Big packages - hoodie, sweatshirt and tote bag
- Sales start on thursday
- PC merch?
Addition of a second IT member in the IT sub committee
- Website templates to use in the future - property of PC but credits to creator
Euronight - dates?