Meeting minutes 05/10/2022

Hey everyone, on 05/10/2022 we discussed the following topics:

\ 1. Administrative council - short summary:

  • S6 trips will take place
  • Well-Being Council proposal received positive feedback
  • System level measures to react to lack of teachers are being taken (protected posts of native speakers in German and English sections)

\ 2. Old school merch:

  • donating profit of old school merch sale to charity (specific organisation to be determined)
  • sale starting next week

\ 3. This years school merch:

  • tote bag, hoodies, sweaters (still being discussed - instagram poll will be conducted)
  • New items currently being considered (zip ups, tshirts…)
  • This years company will most likely be Luxembourg-based “T-Shirt Nerds”
  • Art contest planned to beging on the 14th October for 2 weeks

\ 4. Upcoming planned events:

  • 16+ Halloween party - End of October
  • Possible spirit days:
  • sports tournament event; basketball tournament to take place later in the year

\ 5. Social Media Organisation: Tiktok-Team and update of Facebook profile

\ 6. “Female Hygiene Products Refillers” designated (Nora, Vanessa, Ella, Fay and Michaela)

\ 7. PC-Picture Shoot - Monday 10/10/22

\ 8. Meeting with orientation coordinator Mr Duncombe to discuss orientation for S7 on Thursday 06/10/22

  • Suggestion: S7/S6 giving advice on S5 for their subject choice

\ 9. Discord admins and mods chosen among PC members (Nella, Rumen, Martha, Martin)

\ 10. Bac 65th anniversary - searching for 2 voluntary S7 students (waiting until baccom is elected)

\ 11. Leisure rooms and room upgrades in general - suggestions:

  • split up the different years for more space
  • art project to paint the walls
  • adding furniture, plants, decoration, sofas