Meeting minutes 11/03/2024
Hello, on this Monday’s meeting we talked about some different stuff. Firstly we talked about some events the cosup has told us to do for example an environmental activity which will happen after the holiday and a spirit day. We’ve also posted a story about the euro night tickets that now are available to buy. We also talked about doing something next week since it’s easter but it’s a surprise sp you’ll hear more about it soon. The primary merch has been handed out and we will now start by asking the people who haven’t picked their merch up or not got it yet and after that we will sell the excess so if you still want merch you will have a chance soon. We have also been talking about having a secondhand sale where you students will be able to sell your old stuff that you don’t use anymore. We’ve also had some discussions about future party events but more on that in the future. Thats all for now, see you next week!