Meeting minutes 14/10/2024

Hi! In today’s meeting we created the calendar for school merch, scheduled the class Rep meeting for Monday 21st p3p4, and talked about the Make Our School Shine project which we will continue to work on. We hope to contact someone from 13 Stars to become our school’s representative. From next week on female hygine products will be avaliabie in B00&E00 bathrooms. As for events: we found dates for S1S3 discos, spirit days and more!...

Meeting minutes 09/10/2024

Hi, our very fist functional meeting is behind us, and so starts a new year for the PC! Untill now, our members have attended the Canteen Commitee and the Admin Board Meeting. Our CoSup representatives, Otto and Ella told us abot their projects like improving the Bacs, the formation of the PC and future ideas for CoSupX. With our leisure team, we planned the 16+ Halloween disco, and outlined many of the upcoming events, old...

Meeting minutes 06/05/2024

In this weeks meeting the first thing we talked about was the lux factor that we had this weekend and how it went. We thought it went well and we have gotten some good feedback from some of you students. We know there was a problem with the sound and we are very sorry for the people who wanted to watch the stream. The second thing that came up was the JPC, which is the...

Meeting minutes 22/04/2024

In this weeks meeting we firstly talked about the class rep meeting that we had on Monday and how we were happy how so many class reps could come on such a short notice. We also talked about the second-hand sale that we had last week and we think it was a success, we enjoyed it and you students seemed to enjoy it. We took up the S4-S5 party thats happening this Saturday and we...

Meeting minutes 08/04/2024

In this weeks meeting we talked about the leftover merch that will be sold on the website for people who still want merch but missed the opportunity and probably during the second hand sale. we also talked about luxfactor which is going to be on May 3rd and if you guys have a talent you should definitely join. we also talked a bit about euronight and how many tickets have been reserved etc. then we...

Meeting minutes 18/03/2024

Here are the notes from this Monday’s meeting, so first of all we talked about the merch and how we have an excess of 30 pieces and the people who haven’t picked their merch up have been contacted. We also talked about the basketball tournament and what the prices will be, which dates it will be, how we need a website etc. then we talked about the egg hunt and the handing out of eggs...

Meeting minutes 11/03/2024

Hello, on this Monday’s meeting we talked about some different stuff. Firstly we talked about some events the cosup has told us to do for example an environmental activity which will happen after the holiday and a spirit day. We’ve also posted a story about the euro night tickets that now are available to buy. We also talked about doing something next week since it’s easter but it’s a surprise sp you’ll hear more about...

Meeting minutes 04/03/2024

Hey everyone, at this meeting we talked about the next cosup meeting, how we will give out the merch to primary, our PCTV video, some sport events that may happen in the future, the luxfactor, a possible second-hand sale and how we thought the prom went. Thats all from this meeting

Meeting minutes 19/02/2024

Hey guys, sorry for late post. On the meeting on Monday the 19/02/2024 we talked about the prom, S1-S3 disco, what we thought of the valentines week, the well-being week, the luxfactor, the class rep meetings we had during the week and how we will distribute the merch. Thats all from this meeting.

Meeting minutes 05/02/2024

Hey everyone, in todays meeting we talked about: the admin board and what was brought up, a cosup meeting recap about all that was said, valentines week which is this week. We talked about the S4-S5 event coming up, S1-S3 disco, the luxfactor, well-being week and the arrival of the merch. That’s all from today!