Meeting Minutes 30/11/2015

  • 6th/7th Room Only closed for one day. Please respect the furniture.
  • PC Dinner 11th reserved, 20:00, Maybe Not Bob’s.
  • CoSup Discussed:
    • Harmonisation of his2, bio2, geo2 exams - against
    • Picture description for L1 oral exam - silly/against
    • Abolish 9 year rule for teachers - support
    • Europarty majority vote for Munich…not confirmed. Keep it up CoSup and get them to luxembourg ;)!
    • Projects - talking to teenagers from Syria.
    • Next Cosup here in Luxembourg.
  • Conseil Consultatif Gregori and Lucas had a Conseil Consultatif meeting with a wonderful lady. They talked about France, we are officially on a yellow security alert level. We have police protection in the mornings but they usually leave before school starts. Merite jeunesse wants to be more involved with all kinds of stuff, didn’t get much of this, Greg please add if necessary. 6th yr trips: parents not happy with stories from last year about alcohol and drugs. Brussels wants to involve the concept of the EU more in the school system. We’ll also be having a drill in school to practice procedures during an attack.
  • 16+ Leisure is working on it. Marx we never really wanted anymore, but we are desperate for a club. Ladies and gents from leisure are on it. Another option would be connecting two smaller bars into a big one for us all.
  • Disco This Friday! Make sure to attend, speaking from experience it’s an absolute blast to dance with all the 14 year olds completely sober! (Ok, no paedophile, you get my point…). The music is usually also really good :b
  • PCTV Amir talked to Mr Atkinson (who runs the video periscolaire group), he wants to come to our meeting and discuss it all.
  • Website Have an opinion on the site by next week when we have a vote on whether to launch it. Clement will advertise it at the class rep meetings (despite it not being done). Check out this post:…/how-to-use-the-editing-tools-o…/ editor note: doesn’t exist since the great new website of 2020 One thing Marks forgot during the meeting: Leisure squad (except Emily and Henry) haven’t reset their passwords (“Marks: for fuck’s sake”), so he did it for you. Use the forgotten password button. Marks will talk to IT managers about having email lists for the class reps on school email server.
  • Hoodies Need posters advertising logo competition. Deadline after holidays. We have to differentiate between Bac hoodies on posters. Posters for early December.
  • Class rep meetings Tomorrow and Wednesday, 11:30, B002. Your presence welcome!