Meeting Minutes 02/10/2017
Our very first meeting!
- First rule of PC: you don’t talk about PC
- Noise during meetings is very annoying, please put your hand up to speak.
Our first posters were very good, keep it up!
8-10 hoodie designs so far, deadline is on Sunday 22nd.
CoSup: no documents have arrived yet but when they do, they’ll be on the Facebook group and we need opinions and comments.
PC group photo next Monday - important to be there! We’ll have a serious one and one where dress up as the stereotypes of our positions.
We can all go to the 7th year administration meeting at 8:45 on Wednesday (be 5 minutes early) to introduce ourselves.
There’ll be a meeting with the direction so that they meet us and a meeting of the presidency and treasures with the Parents’ Association about our financial status.
Marks has put our statutes on o365. Read them so that we can sign them quickly next week.
REDACTED- so we are having a cake sale next week, on Wednesday. The volunteers today were: Sara, Eskil, Silke, Liza, Alix, Guoda, Adrian, Tristan and Antonio.
Internal relations:
- Newspaper - contact Diana or Vidar
Ask Marks for o365 team so we can contact each other easily.