Meeting Minutes 29/11/2017
There was a Conseil Consultatif meeting yesterday, but none of the members that went could come today, so they’ll give us the info next week.
So far, we’ve sold 160 hoodies.
The Cake Sale we did last week made 143€.
This meeting was so short because there was a “Europarty” meeting after the meeting and several members had to go to it. We need a venue by this Saturday, so that we can present it to CoSup.
2017’s last meeting will be on Monday, the 18th of December.
- Our treasurers have to count all of our money on Friday for the CoSup meeting.
- Yesterday, Marks put a ton of documents on our Facebook group, feel free to check through them and give your comments to Marks or Liza. In the documents was lots of detail about the careers information, information about the new Spanish section in the Frankfurt school (they currently have 18 SWALS sections!) and the addition of the new marking scale in the actual school rules.
- We have to see what other schools do to complain about teachers so that we have more ideas.
- On the 24th of February there’ll be a CoSup meeting in our school! (But we can’t go)
- 12 Star Night is another proposal we’ve received for the party name.
The school wants us to make stand to advertise healthy food and posters, so that we continue to get fruit from the government. We need to make posters to tell people to be more social in the canteen. The school also wants us to make a video or posters so that people know what to throw away in which bin.