Meeting Minutes 05/03/2018

Prom will not happen. This was decided by the school directors and is partly because issues with behaviour like: students drinking ‘Listerine’ in the canteen, sold their clothes to buy weed and smoke outside the school.

Katarina has a meeting with Mrs Putseys tomorrow (I’ll send her all our minutes of the class rep meetings).

The hoodies are on their way, we’ll wait until we have them all to have just one delivery.

We’ve signed the Euronight contract, now we have to make one for the students to sign. We need the posters as soon as possible for the Facebook event. Not everyone who wants to go will be in Luxembourg because of the 6th year trips. We need to fix ticket distribution (we only have 48 tickets). Everything is still being planned, so nothing here is 100% sure until we talk to CoSup. People working at the party will have some sort of sign to recognise them. Ask for potential djs to send samples before the 23rd of March. We’ll have a leisure meeting in the beginning of April. Tickets will be sold starting next week where we have the cake sales.

16+ Freebeer:

  • More leisure members should have gone to the meeting
  • The name is Paddy’s Freebeer
  • We have some decorations already
  • Each person gets a cup for the night, if they lose it they have to pay Tilt 1€
  • There’ll be 970l of green beer and some normal beer, until 3am
  • We’ll try to sell 300 tickets in presale (12€, 15€ at the entrance)
  • We have to advertise it as much as possible
  • We need photographers
  • Tilt is doing the vestiaire
  • We’ll start the sales next week by the 6-7th year room and explain the cup system to each student
  • We have a bad rep for toilets
  • We’ll keep 30% of the profits


  • We can’t make a decision on the roles today, we’ll have a poll for candidates on our group.
  • We need to announce it soon for the participants (Marks, can you set up the sign-up page?)
  • We need to get the posters up soon
  • The tickets will be like 2
  • We’ll need to ask Haubold for the list of stuff we need to do
  • We need to come up with prizes
  • The roles will be chosen next week

The PC dinner after the 16+ will probably be at Maybe Not Bob’s, the 18th March is a possible option, but we have to check other possibilities. Maybe the 12th of May would be a good date for the last PC dinner.