Meeting minutes 26/11/2019

Congratulations on selling 462 hoodies! €11,550 were made but most will go towards paying for the hoodies so we will get €3000 in profit

Tomorrow, there will be a meeting with Mme. Putseys about vandalism in the school. They plan to create a program for students to prevent vandalism

The next meeting will be on Thursday as usual


1st-3rd Year Disco:

  • All the money has been counted

  • We will give the money to the Parent’s Association and they will transfer it to ASF.

  • The form for the €212 royalty payment will be filled in today.


16+ party:

  • The sales haven’t been great so far so we will be selling tickets in other schools like ISL for 15 euros. We will sell 50 in ISL from at least 1 seller.

  • Try to promote the party as much as possible on your social media.

  • We will try to make a new poster

  • Decorations: inflatable Santa and LED lights.

  • We have to ask the DJ to put some Christmas music in his set.

  • Shifts will be 30 minutes long. People will be at the box office, the free shots table, and watching the money box.

  • Don’t drink too much incase help is needed

  • Leisure members stay from 5 o’clock until the end of the party.

  • Dress very christmassy

  • The photographers are organized



  • The next cosup meeting is this weekend

  • They will discuss the moral subject and obligatory gender neutral bathrooms in all European schools


Conseil Consultatif:

  • The meeting is this week

  • They will discuss the lack of soap in the toilets and the push bins in the boy’s toilets


We plan on making a petition against the new librarian because she’s always yelling or is on the phone, doesn’t allow students to print pages in the library, kicks everyone out of the ICT room because one student is making noise and debatably, because she makes you put your student card in a box at her desk.

Some students had a complaint that the guards won’t let them move the tables in the canteen.

A student wants to make a petition to expand the national library’s opening hours.

We will start a PCTV slack team and begin filming in February.