Meeting minutes 10/03/2020


  • A 4th accredited European school will be opened in Luxembourg
  • A Lux 2 leisure is stepping down because of problems he has with some people in the pc
  • Fames is cancelled due to the coronavirus risk
  • The teachers are being trained in online teaching in case the school has to be closed


  • Euronight went quite well, despite the lower attendance
  • Mamer wanted to organize a make-up second Euronight in July. We think it’s a cool idea, but we will hold off until we know what’s going on in coronavirus
  • Brussels won’t be refunded for travel
  • We didn’t lose a huge amount of money

Photo booth

  • A student sent an email asking for their photobooth photos
  • We should search through photos in case someone lost theirs
  • Photobooth still has to be paid for and money has to be put in the account for it
  • The cost will be split between us and Mamer


  • Mamer wants to add their Vice President to the Cosup group chat. If so, Hugo will also be added


  • A 16+ party was supposed take place on the 3rd of April, but the event will either be cancelled or postponed. The latest we can decide to cancel is a week before the event because that’s when we’ll be selling tickets.
  • We should decide as soon as possible what we are doing about this event
  • Mamer will write in the contract with Soho that we can cancel if there is a still a big risk of infection
  • If the school is shut down within the coming weeks, of course we will cancel
  • We are paying for the club
  • There may not be good attendance due to the coronavirus and the Easter holidays
  • We would need to order tickets now if we start selling next week
  • The name, branding, theme and decorations still need to be decided on
  • We have to start buying supplies now with Mamer’s go-ahead

Pc paintball:

  • Mamer suggested that we all go to Belgium for paintball but the place is very far away so we should do Lasergame instead
  • we have to decide how to split the cost and how we will split up the teams

Parent’s association:

  • The parent’s association were polled about the hygiene of the school
  • 18 bathrooms didn’t have soap in November
  • 4 bathrooms don’t have soap currently

Conseil d’education:

  • We want to change the cross-country run to a sports day, but to do that, we would need a group of people to take care of it
  • We will promote the second-hand book initiative

6th and 7th year room:

  • We would like to put up the art that the 7th years do every year in some part of the school instead of removing it once the school year ends
  • A new sofa should be bought for the room
  • We will look for a second-hand sofa to save money

PC hoodies:

  • We have to vote on a logo, so send any designs to William
  • Miia made a logo already but we will vote on all of the designs at a later date

4th-5th event:

  • No word about prom yet since the event has been very hard to organise
  • We brainstormed ideas but all of them had problems whether it was the cost, the drinking or public access of any location
  • For the time being, we will try to get a ping pong table or something similar in the 4th-5th year room

PC dinner:

  • we would like to have another one since we said at the beginning of the year that we’d like to have more PC dinners