Meeting minutes 11/10/2021

Ideas for leisure room
- Sofas
- Tennis table?
- Better tables?
- Plants?
Educational council (12.10)
- More sex education
- Better S5-S6 room
- Get rid of the cross country or at least move it to better time of year - exchange it for sports day
- Reduce workload - organize teachers
- Give more information about the BACs - career day with more info on universities and different work fields
- Hoodies
- Sweaters
- Basic tote bags
- Design competition opens tomorrow
- Cooperation with Mamer
Writings on the wall project
- Climate project
- Winning artwork will be put in front of the school above of the sign
Leisure updates
- Christmas event (16+)
- S1-S3 possible disco
PC picture will be published in the near future
Monthly report of the PC work
- Written report every semester
- PC monthly report on social media (first one end of October)
New European flag in the entrance
Cards will probably arrive this or next week