Meeting Minutes 19/10/2015
Class Rep Meetings Tuesday and Wednesday, 11:10! Your presence welcome. Conseil d’ed Ana Rita is going this Thursday. Suggestions? Let her know. 6th & 7th year room The room is again far too littered. When I went after the meeting it really was a whole new level of amount of litter on the tables, the couches, the floor and around the bins. The caretakers, counsellors and cleaning ladies are all fed up by the uncivilised...
Meeting Minutes 12/10/2015
According to , is recovering well, should be out of hospital this/next week and back teaching after November holidays. The video project has begun and people are writing what they would like to say in a form posted below. This will be filmed and recorded sometime soon. Meetings Ed & Ad Meetings for the Education and Administration take place this week and next week. If you have any suggestions, get them to the representatives in...
Meeting Minutes 05/10/2015
IT: Marks has finished a first version (). Marks will talk to this week to talk about implementing it to the school . For any questions, Marks is your man. CoSup: Reforming European School Systems // Suggestions The Following suggestions have been made at the last CoSup meeting (Note that none of this is final and/or decided, these are just proposals): Combining MAT3 and MAT5 classes together, extra maths classes separately. Saves money, almost 100%...
Meeting Minutes 28/09/2015
6th and 7th year room After closing the room for a day, Thursday & Friday were much cleaner - looking good for future! will ask for open bins instead of ones with lids. idea of in the room will be discussed next week. Rennovating the room - ask art teachers to talk to art classes to come up with design, they propose design to pupcom and we decide. We may paint walls white, must check...