Meeting Minutes 22/02/2016

PCTV: In future after school to avoid having to close the room. Five suggestions made for next episode, we should get started soon for another cracking video. 16+. Very successful. A little too crowded, music had , but there was some . A little . Thanks to for cleaning up after. Hoodies: One week until deadline. Marks has fixed the form on the site. Luxfactor: Josh will be hosting with Alessio, judges are TBD. Entire...

Meeting Minutes 15/02/2016

16+/Disco/Europarty: Ticket sales tomorrow (Europarty Wenesday). Paint choice (powder, non-powder) in the next few days. PCTV - If you haven’t already, please watch the first episode below. Points: Must ask about hearts Audio levels too low, especially in Vassilacou segment (will fix) will be cut In future, Josh, please move less and don’t have your phone out, it is very distracting. . Currently in limbo, discussions will be had. is against it, primarily because they...

Meeting Minutes 01/02/2016

Snapchat Pupcom pckirchberg editor note: since changed to pc-kirchberg, spread the word. 16+ Friday the ? Is this date confirmed with Leisure and ? Theme is Paint Party. Posters required. DJ - we want to . Disco 19th of February, 19:30 - 22:30 Mamer. Same ? Posters required. Special Conseil d’Ad Matters in this school were discussed with Elisa and Clément, only possible to be changed in brussels. Keep us updated please ☺ Europarty Be...

Meeting Minutes 14/12/2015

This meeting was used to discuss the final details for the second 16+ Party at Marx.

Meeting Minutes 07/12/2015

Disco Very impressive Disco, worried parents at the start but reassured at the end, all very happy. DJs were also brillz apparently! 16+ Party at Marx! Thanks leisure and good job! Share the event like crazy! People are coming to US, and nowhere else!

Meeting Minutes 30/11/2015

6th/7th Room Only closed for one day. Please respect the furniture. CoSup Discussed: Harmonisation of his2, bio2, geo2 exams - Picture description for L1 oral exam - Abolish 9 year rule for teachers - Europarty majority vote for …not confirmed. Keep it up CoSup and get them to luxembourg ;)! Projects - talking to teenagers from Syria. Next Cosup here in Luxembourg. Conseil Consultatif Gregori and Lucas had a Conseil Consultatif meeting. They talked about...

Meeting Minutes 23/11/2015

Couch/Room The “no cleaning” for a bit was a great idea because the outcome is excellent. Couches were brought this morning and are stored in a room in school. When ready, maybe this week/next week, depending on how things go, we can put them in. Disco/16+ We really need the ambulance fixed before the end of the week for the disco, Leisure! Tickets have been ordered. For 16+, there’s another available venue besides , ....

Meeting Minutes 16/11/2015

Leisure Planning is yet to start for disco on 4th of December. 16+ possible venues: Couch New couch proposal will be submitted to Mrs. Vassilacou within the week Guards and Security No group gatherings outside, please.

Meeting Minutes 09/11/2015

CoSup Meeting on 28th of November in Brussels. . 16+ Feedback Really good! . We didn’t run out of drinks, which was good. Be careful not to have any strangers behind the drinks table please. Working on future 16+ Disco - 4th of December, theme: Christmas Start to organise, contact school. All profits to ASF. IT Brussels in charge of via . We will go separate from the school, . More info on that soon....

Meeting Minutes 26/10/2015

16+ Sales are on the way, nothing new to report. Make sure to spread the word to come buy them! Conseil d’Ed Rita and Clement went. Schedule for prebacs has been decided, but it seems like there are some issues with it here and there. Not sure if this will be changed in the future.Due to time we couldn’t discuss all conseil d’Ed points. Feel free to talk to Rita if you are interested in...