Meeting Minutes 19/02/2018
There’s CoSup meeting coming up soon, but we don’t have anything in particular to discuss yet. Marks will put anything important on our Facebook group. Nothing is changing in the mock orals this year, but the situation next year is not too clear. The Library Committee meeting has been moved to the 5th of March. It’s an important part of school so we want it always to be open. We also want a colour printer,...
Meeting Minutes 05/02/2018
The PC is back to work! We have Class Rep meetings at 11:10 on Thursday the 8th (1-3rd year) and Friday the 9th (4-7th year). I’ll email the class reps and the councillors. Topics to discuss include: Everything that happened at the Conseil d’Education -Everything that happened at the Conseil d’Administration Everything that happened at the Canteen Committee meeting Everything that happened at the Library Committee meeting Library: Madalena is going because none of the...
Meeting Minutes 17/01/2018
Our next class rep meeting will be on the - we need to make posters and book the room. We payed € for our newspaper advert. Leisure: We have a lot to do in the coming months, it’s best to start ASAP All receipts should be given to the treasurers. The is a fun day to have a 16+, so we need to find a club. Before that, we should check with Mamer. “For the...
Meeting Minutes 08/01/2018
So Marks had an idea: to go around table and see what we each though the PC could do better: We could have done more parties (but we have several planned) But in general we’re quite doing well as a whole, We should assign tasks in leisure for each project, eg one person is in charge of the tournament, another of discos, ect. Euronight (we finally have an official name!): It’ll be from 9pm to...
Meeting Minutes 18/12/2017
Someone had an idea: one person could bring cake each week. There’s a meeting on Wednesday with the Parent’s Association. We’ve sold hoodies. We currently have , we’ll have once we pay for the hoodies. Santa Clausen 16+: We’ll have a schedule for the leisure committee members, with 30 minute shifts each. BacCom doesn’t have any decorations (everything got thrown away), we need to buy new decorations. Some BacCom members took some items with them,...
Meeting Minutes 13/12/2017
Only five people came today, so this was a short meeting. Yesterday there was a meeting with Tilt and: They’re making the tickets, they’ll be done by this week. The VIP will cost . They’ll take care of vestiaire. Tickets will also be sold at the door, and also to people not from school if Tilt is not full. There’ll be a ‘Welcoming’ shot. ‘Europarty’: is most probable date, but we need to be sure...
Meeting Minutes 04/12/2017
Conseil Consultatif meeting on the 28th of November: There’ll be a global inspection of the school in March, about security and safety in our school. Some buses don’t come every day because nobody signed up for them, but the students need to know this. The bus to the conservatoire is always late, they’re working on that. Only one of the Conseil Representatives was here today, so we’ll have more information on our Facebook group this...
Meeting Minutes 29/11/2017
There was a Conseil Consultatif meeting yesterday, but none of the members that went could come today, so they’ll give us the info next week. So far, we’ve sold hoodies. The Cake Sale we did last week made €. This meeting was so short because there was a “Europarty” meeting after the meeting and several members had to go to it. We need a venue by this Saturday, so that we can present it to...
Meeting Minutes 20/11/2017
Couches: - Maybe we could have cameras pointing at the couch area. We have paid the canteen for the clean-up of the 1-3rd year disco, but we haven’t paid for the music yet. Class rep meeting this week: 1-3rd years will be on Thursday and 4-7th years will be on Friday. Hoodies: We’ll start selling them next week We’ll give them receipts as well as having a list They be sold in the mornings in...
Meeting Minutes 15/11/2017
Anton’s first meeting!! The 6-7th will be closed until due to the vandalism and littering. Hoodies: We’re just going to do the orders in person, people find it easier to pay in cash. We’ll announce the results of the voting today. We need posters. The Pupils’ Voice advert is in, but we’re going to have to change the chairs thing (Marks?) Disco: It was lit but we need less chocolate and more chips. The third...